Saturday, September 08, 2007

The concept of God.

Before you proceed to read, let me add my disclaimer that I am neither a strong believer, nor a staunch athiest. There are lots of times when I take comfort in assuming that there is a supreme power above us who runs things, and is just. At the same time there are times when I dislike going to temples and standing in long queues. Coming to the point of the post, I feel that, the very way by which God is being introduced to us should change. God is being portrayed as this supreme being who will fix all things when they go wrong, and that, any difficulty / injustice you go through is going to be set right by God. Whereas, in real world it is not. People need to be equipped to face an unfair world. And the first step towards it is to expect one ( will keep the unfairness discussion for a separate post ). And, people should know that unless YOU want to fix things and YOU work hard to fix them, there is no God who is going to help.

This whole line of thought was triggered when I was watching a random movie in Podhigai about some Panduranga bakth. The devotee's mother-in-law asks her to grind a sack of wheat overnight, and she, being more devoted to God, chants God's name and sleeps off. And the wheat gets automatically ground by a magical power. This is how God is introduced to most of us ( in most of the stories we see and hear in child-hood ). This gives the view that you need not take pains to do your work, and just praying God is going to pay off. Pretty silly, isn't it.