Friday, October 20, 2006

Five days into Mumbai and I have started loving this city. The weather seemed to be a toned down ( less harsh ) version of Chennai weather. So, not much issues there. What I really liked was the people aspect. You see real 'hard-working' people, the kind, who'd think twice before spending on a lavish dinner. Looking at Mumbai, I start realising how lazy a city Bangalore is. It's true that Mumbai people are less courteous ( my cab driver would give atleast 5 ppl. gali on the 30 min trip from my hotel to office ), but, at the same time, they are more helpful.

As hiring a cab for the whole day was going to be too costly for my needs, had to manage my own local travel arrangements. With the decent hindi I know ( which, by the way is improving these days ;-) ), managed to get a local cabbie, who'd ferry me from hotel to office and back to hotel. Though what he charged me would have been twice the usual/meter charge, did not really mind paying, as something regular was better than hunting every day ( and no one else was going to give me receipts for petty amounts ). Guess I wouldn't have been able to manage even this if it was some other city like Delhi.

The part I liked the most about Mumbai people was the gender equality that you'd find in the city. You see lot many more girls on the roads at lot later times of the day, than any other city. This would not be possible in a male chauvinistic city like Chennai or a city like Delhi ( could not find an adjective for the city - you don't need one. just look at the crime against women figures of Delhi ).

If I were to rate Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi on livability, I'd rate them in the same order, my assessment factors being weather and people.